Before, i was a person with no colour on face each day goin to work. I never makeup or even put a lipsticks. Is like goin to school. Is only different no uniform. If not OMG... no changes haha.. Last time when i got out or meeting friend, when my friend saw me will say "wei still the same la u" ~sign~
But frankly since last year i had a bit changes on my life style. I had colour on my face daily to work, I had changes my hairstyle, i had changes ny clothing but i thing no changes is on body..Wahaha.. Nvm.. it take time.. ~sign~ (already late 20 liao lagi want take time) Come on lah juz 4get it la.."talking to myself" hehe..
Is fun learning.. i learn a lot on that class.But i still not good enough. Ermm..mayb i lake of self confidents n no art base thats y each time mix up colour problem. But anyway, thats good enaf 4 me havin those basic knowleage. I realy enjoy the class..I always talk alot in class making noise n disturbing my classmate..My "lau shi" always scold me "sTop TalKing" ~sign~. When i stop the class totally turn very quite..aiks.. "sien" haha..
Beside that, our lau shi like to take our photo b4 n after makeup class. This is to show us the different of ourself when n without colours on face. Hey..don play play ya.. there is alot of different leh.. Not believe...lets see.. the moment in class..


So sweet

So Beautiful

So cool

protential model magazine front CovEr
End with Lovely
So.. how was it cool ? Nice? hehe.. dont jealous ya.. actually got 6 classmate miss out 1 liao.. dont have picture with her ms wendy n miss out happy family picture with our "lau shi" Aiks.. no complete.. nvm will check wit my "lau shi" see whether still got photo bo.. ok got to sleep liao.. to be continue.. :) cheers.......