Thursday, July 12, 2007
~~ TimE PasT~~
Thursday, July 05, 2007
~~JoO jiN-Mo~~

So Cool Baby...
So SweeT baby..
So Friendly...

So macho
Handsome? Good looking ? Macho? it.. haha.. goin to have sweet dream liao... bye..nite nite..
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
~~200 PouNds BeaUty~~
I think there are a few different reasons why 200 Pounds Beauty can attract so many people. First thing is that the movie keeps its own identity as a comedy. If you are familiar with Korean comedies, you know it will get serious towards the end, but 200 Pounds Beauty doesn’t get too serious. The film cleverly touches people’s heart and mind, but doesn’t forget to make you laugh. It doesn’t make the mistakes like the majority of Korean comedies these days. The worst example of this would be the movie “My Boss, My Hero 2 (Doo Sa Boo Il Che),” which is a comedy for two thirds of the film and then painfully exaggerates the situation and acting for the rest of the film. I guess this is because filmmakers believe dramatic situations can maximize impressions for the viewers when they leave the theater.
Secondly, 200 Pounds Beauty shows in funny ways, what could happen to someone if they receive such an extreme makeover. Like the scene when Jenny and Sang-June are finally getting intimate with each other. When he tries to kiss her, she couldn’t have that moment out of fear for her new surgically altered nose. She is also worried about her enlarged breasts and what he would think of her if he knew they were implants. It’s a bit sad but I think people can understand and sympathize with her situation, which leads the audience into laughter. There are constant episodes like these that keeps the audience laughing.

Atfer plastic surgery~~ Kang ha-na change name to jenny
So how was it? Nice? faster go n hav a look on this movie.. But not every1 will like it.. n not every1 will understand it coz is in korean langues.. Juz to share wit u guys .. hehe.. Aiyo.. so handsome.. I got 1 friend really super siao on this guys.. she go watch i think 8 time in cinema n 6 time cd.. ~~sign~~.. at last she in love with this guy liao.. goin to korean soon.. wahaha.. let me sing her this song... dream....dream dream dream... dream... hav u hear this song b4..? hehe.. ok.. will up date u joo jin-mo profile.. wahahaha....