Hi..long time din updates my blog liao..a bit lazy hehe.. aiks..feeling so damn disgusting afterall i met up wit a customer at a cafe on last wed. OMG..It really out of my expectation..He is my excolleugue customer, he owing some payment since 2yr ago. So , i try to collect back those bad debt. I really really though he is a gentleman all this while coz he had heart to settle his bad debt but wit some installment.
Those time he making the payment all thru bank in to our com acc. So last week i call him up to ask him to settle all is outstading juz left a few hundred only.. So surprise he specking lougly "no problem my dear"(F.O)i will settle up everything.. but than u have to but me drink ok..(i replied~ oh sure is my pleasure since u really make those promise to settle the outstading acc. So, we set a time on a day is was wed nite a cafe smwhere near BBT.
Jeng..jeng..jeng..~~1st time met ok~~ coming out frm car..1st impression OMG "lau uncle". than he came to me..shaking hand n say "ohh..such a beautiful lady" frm the praise i totatlly definately immedietly change in heart ( wah lau si hamsap ah pek~~tee kor).Oh..gosh..he is really really tee kor pek.U knw wat..after order the drink we started with some general qouestion such as how long m i working wit this com, do u know bla bla....n i asking him some few general qestion oso..but than he realy got experince very fast n smooth he can change our topic to sex talk. lily nb,lc,ccb,knn,pukima than hamsap ah pek..
I cant share it here..It really really super disgusting super super "wat tat" till i duno wat to do. My purpose is to collect the payment. Whos know..so suai met up wit "tee kor pek". Smtime i feel myself so funny n so suai.. y i use to met"tee kor" ???!!! Bcoz of wat hur..??!! Blur la..???!! my look ar..?!my conversation ar..?! aiyoyo.. betahan.. aiks..bustard i spend bout 4 hour listen to the tee kor pek.. so damn torture me. Y..Y..Y.. juz bcoz of the chq. :(
Aiks.. beware lady out ther ya.. ther is alot alot of "Tee kor pek out there" u really wont knw..coz they really good acting.. F.O those TEE KOR PEK
F.O~~ fuck off
N.B~~ na beh
L.C~~ lanciau
C.c.b~~ ciau cibai
KNN~~ kan ne neh
soli beging so rude hehe.. loss control..hahaha..