Thursday, September 04, 2008

~~ ChE3rS ~~

Is On 19th,august is 2 days before kayce back to sweden. We went to the curve for drink. Is was weekdays so lots of shop start cleaning n close. It bout pm 11 smthing. So.. since lots of shop close onli left few place v can choose. So end up we choose Laundry. A place which still lots of ppl.

Onli 4 of us on that nite. While, on the way we had plan to hav tecquilar pop 1st(duno how to spell hehe..watever la..). Coz veli long time never drink liao.
So we ordered 4 tecquilar pop. When the drink serve.. v look at each other n laugh coz looks weird n funny. ppl keep looking at us. We chit chat awhile 1st, than we toast.. everybody get ready..1..2..3.. cheers...PoP!!! drink.. hahaha..

So fast.. aiks.. (bo cheat)not worth hehe.. than.. order again.. this time we try on pure tecquilar hehe.. but onli 3.. 1 surrender.. take corona beer. Drink serve.. wah lau.. so mini.. another 1 shoot finish.. than.. we order again 3 corona.. aiks.. We spend our nite there till bout 2smthing in the morning.. Damn..Tired but fun.. hehe...


Karin.. said... shiok u 4 leng lui!!!

EggY said...

Wah.... still awake ah!!
Next time bring me gooooooooo!

JoLLY said...

karin~~haha.. of course shiock la..

eggy~~ aiya.. u can meh.. ?