Once i saw this poster.. i feel they really got potantial in acting.. N i touch my heart to say.. the ticket will sure veli laku.. "do u guys think so" Don worry bout budget i will fully cover n i will b the producser.. i comfirm will make u guys popular.. n will bring the film to "oscar" N will introduce u guys to international film star.. Oh..gosh.. i cant believelable.. so b patient.. N those who wish to b helper or can say "kay leh fei" do not hesitat to call me. So pls pls.. support us in " Harry porter Bubbles 4 "
knn.. so ugly lagi double post here.. well.. u might miss out urs one.. look back the side @www.sun-chime.blogspot.com .. try to c the transformer on .. u might saw urself which holding others hand le.. haahahaha~~~
opps.... btw i bet with jing that u might didnt realize that u are in the transformer poster @ the first view.. so do u found it ?? if nope then i'm win... cause wei & fen also din realize that was you on the first view.. muahaaaa...
LOL..... Good View i like it...
haha...I think Jolly must can't see herself in the transformer poster!!
very hard to see ler.. so small
Wow.....Ber ta han la.........hahahahahaaaaa........
Dunno what to say....My respone only " hahahaaaaaaaaa......hahaa........." pengsan liao.....wei.....which one is you har ? why i cant see u inside har ?? hahaaa.....
Divilangel...I din go la!
Cos i oredi see all the movie before they went for the movie marathon.
clarification to posh.. devilangle not calling u.. she juz say wei..where i am..in tat poster
2nd i not there coz i m director on tat movie n i was acting in transformer haha..
3rd i really din realise tat was me in transformer..cut cost not to show my face or..??
don jealous one day u sure hav a change. juz cal me up 4 interview..hav a nice day..
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