Wednesday, September 19, 2007

~~ TeA @ TeH~~~

Jia lat.. tonite havin yam cha wit fren..N each time when i hav tea at nite i sure cant sleep. It really make me "jin sin" till can kill "lion". But sometime i purposely drink.. coz got thing to do.. Without the tea i will veli soon go find "chow kong".. aiks.. sometime i will feel wasted sleep to much.. But than.. some ppl say.. must sleep more to get long life..aiks.. LIFE..LIFe..LIFE.. So apa macam? sleep ? not to sleep?

Haha.. of course sleep la.. Siao meh.. u though me machine or robot ar.. U all can see from here.. witout enaf sleep or sleep late will shiock sendiri n talk to themself.. So before i getting worse.. i better go sleep.. Good de Nite.. sweet de dream.. sleep de thigh.. n don lau chui nua.. :P.. peace..


EggY said...

haha....ya sounds like me always syok sendiri haha.. :P

Time to sleep liao aiyo...shushu good night & sweet dream...

~Alvin~incious...~ said...

aiya...not true oso la..sleep too much sometime oso damage our internal body. and brain. make u brainfreeze whole day.

JoLLY said...

Aiyo.. eggy i don 1 like u la..shiock plug..haha

U r rite oso mr A..

Cutiez said...

very good lo.. sengaja dont want sleep .. keep goin la.. one week later ICI dulux oso cant help u ...

~Alvin~incious...~ said...

nowdays no ppl use ici liao la... ppl use jotun... hehehe..

Cutiez said...

speechless ... @.@

JoLLY said...

haha.. don worry those 2 brand i oso din use at my face..

~Alvin~incious...~ said...

all tea & teh is bad....

the oni good 1 is tongkat ali... muahahaha...

JoLLY said...

u try b4 lehh.. that drink is onli 4 u lo..haha

~Alvin~incious...~ said...

girl oso can drink ma... now girl got kacip fucktimah...oppss..sorry is fatimah... muahahhaa :p

JoLLY said...

haha.. i Know la..but hor i haven need that at the moment lo..still got energy waahahaha...