Monday, July 07, 2008

~~ AcTUaLLY ~~

OMG...!! Y im still awake...?? CAFE LATTE fault ! Aiyo.. i not suppose to drink that on nite time..make me suffer...! My brain keeep working..cant relax. Siao liao la.. working leh..? Aiyo....!

Since cant sleep let me share something wit u guys here.. yday morning means sunday morning, i bring my parent to KL petaling street to hav breakfast. We purposely when there juz to eat the famous "chu chap chot" porridge wit those pig spare part. Omg it so delicious.But if those ppl don take those spare part will feeel that.. disgusting lo..hehe.. After the porridge, we goin to the famous "yong taufu". Hehe.. feel full leh.. earli in morning take so heavy food.. not onli that v try assam laksa, chee cheong fun too. Hahah.. my mouth so enjoy..but stomach suffer lo.. hehe..

Actaully, i found that petaling street, not onli famous on selling those fack branded things.. here we cant found lots of nice n delicious food. They is a few stall i haven try is "wan tan mee, Sang yu chot" .hehe.. I will eat them 1 day wahaha.. After taken all of them , we go 4 a walk. Aiyo..yo.. saw lot of ppl q to buy famous suckling duck haha.. we q oso. Bought half of the duck back. Not onli duck, we have bougt some "yu chia kuih, siew pow, ban chng kuih, n etc.. but all is 4makan 1..haha.. U guys sure say aiyo..nearby oso got sell lo.. no need go so far lo.. but hor those food they sell lily special. If got change i bring u guys go ok..
But at list 5 ppl so that can try more food hehe..

Aiyo..tak payah tidur liao lo.. apa macam..? Apa mau buat ? mata banyak letih..badan banyak letih tapi otak banyak cergas..aiyo.. seksa la.. aku ni....tolong.... tolong...!!!!


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