Sunday, October 28, 2007

~~ Sien ~~

Aiks..wat a boring weekend.. wat to do..? Wakeup early morning duno wat to do... aiks.. taking breakfast, watching tv, on line do nothing.. aiks.. lonely..i was lonely..i have nothing...apa mau buat..lazy la..

My body still pain.. aiks.. lost stamina or mayb old liao.. Jia lat.. U know wat.. on last friday.. a friend suddenly call me on friday noon.. while i was in office.. she say in manderin..

c: how... u goin?
m: huh.. !! go where i duno la..?
c: haha.. tonite got valleyball u wana join?
m: Aiyo.. i duno play le..
c: Aiyo.. juz go nia la..we oso veli long din play liao la..
m: Erm.. wat time.. ok lo...
c: ok la.. i come fetch u lo.. see u.. bye
m: bye..

So..i join them for the game lo.. that nite i was nothing full of energy..full of POWER...juz onli the hand a bit pain , a bit red, a bit out of shape.. i was asking them hey my hand got a bit bengkak la.. see see.. u guys touch n see.... My friend juz look and say aiya.. u see we oso like that la.. no big deal la.. tommorrow will b ok worries.. so i ma..juz 4get it lo..

wah.. the next day when i wakeup preparing to work.. i took my watch..trying to wear..oh Gosh.. i found my hand really.. "bengkak leh" u know wat.. normally i wear in 1st column n it still very loose.. but than i need to wear it at 3rd column n it still a bit tight ..jia lat.. Elephant hand..

My mom say u go hit ball or the ball hit u.. y can play untill like that.. aiks.. "shake her head" ..
hehe.. veli lousy hor.. nvm.. practise make prefect.. Gambade.. okla.. wat a boring day.. okla..
lazy liao.. tata..


QMG_Maegen said...

practise make prefect or practise makes PERFECT ?? haa~~

JoLLY said...

aiyo.. thanks 4 the correction..i not good in english soli la.. nowsday u behli expert liao hor.. hehe.. lot of over the sea pren.. hehe..