Thursday, October 11, 2007

~~ QuEsTioN~~

What is LOVE ? What is MARRIAGE ? What is DIVORCE ?


Cutiez said...

love = wonderful life
marriage = end of wonderful life
divorce = reborn of wonderful life

dUhh... XD

Cutiez said...

opps... above comment makes this life so dull ..

love = still single wonderful life
marriage = end of wonderful single life
divorce = reborn of wonderful single life

does that makes more sense ?? geee~~

EggY said...
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EggY said...

those three are same, make no different !! :P

JoLLY said...

maegen...wat a wonderful answer

eggy.. urs confuse la..

EggY said...

ha ha okok :)

~Alvin~incious...~ said...

love = your fall to shit hole
marriage = you are in deep shit now
divorce = ahhh...u survive...

~Alvin~incious...~ said...

love = u r goin to b cheat...
marriage = u r done...
divorce = oni u realise u r being cheated...

Groovy said...

love is a feel
marriage is a fact
divorce is the reality

Groovy said...
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JoLLY said...

aiks.. life is complicated...!