Friday, July 25, 2008

~~ bLur CaSE ~~

Today, i went to bank in my company money at bbk. The time i walkin a indian lady come to approach the bank credit card.

S.Gal: good afternoon madam, taken ur lunch ?
Me: wah lau cal me "madm" ber si ker . than i say No haven.
S.Gal: Madam nows our credit got free 4 life, got free gift,rebat 2% on petrol, 1% of kfc.....bla..bla....
Me: Looking at her while bankin my money thru machine.
S.Gal: pls la..madam pls support me la.. im new here.. pls.. juz take u a few min onli.. juz giv me ur ic & other bank credit card. i fill the form . Pls..madam..
Me: I oso duno y my heart soft. .Looking at her again n say juz few min i rushing on time n no parking .lo..
S.Gal: Sure.. sure.. sure.. veli fast.. faster give me ur ic & c.c.. 10q 10q 10q.. u r so kind.. Pls sign here n here.. pls rite ur mothers name....(while i was writting) she suddenly say.. at 1st i saw u i think u veli actsy 1 lo.. but than u r so good thank u.. aiyo.. ur hand veli bulu.. sure ur mother in law like..
Me: huh????
S.Gal : hehe.. no la.. indian ppl like gal having long hair..
Me: oh..issit.. blur..?? till i 4got to cancel my ic to show juz for cc purpose. Aiyo.. duno will she take my ic do aler thing bo le.. aiks.. blur blur....

after go in my car i think back aiyo.. y wan to apply le.. sampat.. lebih.. got so many card liao lagi mau.. aiks.. juz took less than 10 min.. siao....

1 comment:

aMisSya said...

wakakakaka.....hey long bulu MADAM, please think few minute before u action la....wakakakaawakakka....really beh ta han lu.. If some body call me aunty i will correct them immediatly " Am I look like MADAM ??? " but hor..this indian gal really duno sales tactic. How come say like dat one. kanasai...kaakkaa....Tell me which bank. I sue them kao kao..