Saturday, July 05, 2008

~~ WatEr FlOw OuT ~~

Haiz.. yday while i was on the line wit my customer, my mobile rang. it was appear "home". Sometime i feel a bit kan cheong when i saw my phone appear wit the name " home". My heart beep will change to high speed hehe.. But smtime onli la..

So, yday morning sudden my mom call up n say , Hey ah mei ah..! un chua lu eh chia eh stering un ni ang eh..? ( how come ur car stering so heavy hard to turn) than i say duno la. Yday dad was drove la.. u call n ask him. Mom say.. Oh..okok. i cal n ask... An hour later my mom cal, dad was back n check there is a belt broken liao.. so ask me come back n see than ask ppl buy n fix it.

Aiks.. i try to arrange my time to drop home a while to look at my baby.. I saw the belt n took it to workshop n ask the man go my house to fix it. At 1st i though it was small manner juz a belt broken nia so it might cost below 100 kua but hor.. lily out off my expectation..An hour again my mom call, hey ah mei ah.. ur cal hor need to repair bout 500++ 600 lo.. Aiyo... har mee pai..!!! bla.. bla.. bla.. ok la.. bo pian do la.. than today ins agent call hey ur road tax n ins due soon.. u wan to renew..? lebih punya.. of coz la.. than no need renew ah....

Aiks.. lucky.. i can claim back the subsidis next month so not much to pay lo.. wahaha... somemore this 2 days keep rainning how i goin to print $$ leh.. :( begining of the month $$ like water.. juz flow like that.. no eyes see... Hey.. fren who ask me out pls treat me ok.. arigato...

1 comment:

Cutiez said...

that's why i ask u .. go sell the car lah doi ~