Monday, June 30, 2008

~~ HeLLO ~~

Yellow.. eviboday... how do u do..?? Im back frm holiday at bali. Is quite fun holiday.. juz onli my antibody not enaf strong n got "water shit" on the 2nd day. But luckily not serious compare to others. My fren kena oso but i think there more serious.

Erm.. v took quite lots of picture not not sure how many but i think bout more than 300 pic..hehe.. but hor all at my fren camera coz better quality so pic took oso "tek piek sui" wahaha.. pic is not ready sabah a bit k.. but no when i will load lo.. hehe.. quite bz after back frm trip. Tons of job need to do. Feel tired wit it. How good if i no need to work, juz walk walk see see look look eat eat buy buy hehe.. juz dreaming i think it will b boring too.

K la.. i need go Zzz... liao.. tata.. sweet dream.. :)

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