Sunday, June 01, 2008

~~ BeH LI GooD ~~

Wat a torture weekend. Yday nite i was celebrating one of my sista bday at the curve "scarlet". it quite a happening place.. i been there few time oledi. Yday nite i a bit" chow chui" i drunk. I oso duno y yday i so easyly drunk. I feel i juz drink a few cup nia.. Y..Y... har.. aiks sia shui.. Problem is kacau my fren enjoying.. she keeep accompany me to toilet. In out In out so many time till at last give up ..haha.. balik kampung.. haha...thank u n pai seh.. sorry ya..

today cant easyly wakeup. My head damn heavy n body feel so dum. Damn kang kor. I don like those feeling. went each time i over drank n drunk n vomint i sure will talk to myself this is the last time don ever drink again.. But hor... when is past i drink aggain hehe.. Lebih rite..!

Next 2 week i goin to clubbing again. N this time i sure will control myself. Hehe.. Cakap kosong saja..rite. :p anyway thank u to u my dear sista that care 4 me.. arrigato..

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