Saturday, May 24, 2008

~~ SiLEnT NiTe ~~

OMG.. wat a silent nite on this weekend.. i counldnt believe it. Im a alone at home doin nothing. My parent went to weedin dinner. My brother oso went to fren bachelor nite. Everybody is out. Sudden feel so quite. Fren all r bz wit their thing too. Walking in n out frm room. Duno wat to do. Help mom clean up dishes, wash car, putting those dirty cloths to washing mac..etc.. Aiks.. all done...

I sometime feel like wasting time in home if weekend. But some ppl feel is a good time to rest at home. Ya.. i some time oso feel wan to have rest too.. but arr...duno la.. sien.. if alone my mind keep thinking lots of thing. Veli Huan.. duna huan wat.. so i rather sometime ask fren out 4 drink to talk some nonsense to past my time.. feel Wasting??? i like those feeling. Finish drink went home sleep. Hehe.. getting old..fren almost all havin their own life liao.. apa macam??
Y no body date me out tonite. Rite here waiting.. :(

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