Wednesday, October 01, 2008

~~ 1 st DaY R@y@ ~~ public holiday for malaysia & spore. 1st day of hari raya and for those all my muslim friend's wishing u all "selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin". Erm.. a bit boring for me duno wat to do.. malay friend most of them balik kampung.. and will visit them when they back few day later.

But anyhow is time for me taking some rest at home..doin some cleaning.. a bit messy haha.. there is still lots of thing to do but than im lazy.. ;P ..

Yday.. raining.. the water drip on my fore head again.."sigh". When wana repair leh..?? so scare heavy rain in midnight.. I duno where to move.. "cham.." Keep alert all night when raining.. sooneer panda eye @@ come out.. aiks.. okla.. wishing every1 happy holiday & selamat hari raya

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