Tuesday, October 07, 2008

~~ 1 St HisToRy ~~

Is my very 1st time develop this thick of photo. Can beat wedding photo ??? hehe.. Actually... The photo suppose get yesterday.. mayb to much they cant ready on time so call up me to collect it today... I really didn't release i got that much of photo to develop n there is still some i haven choose..leh..hehe.. untill the photoshop girl told me 427 pcs issit ?? huh.. orr..orr. blur..?? Got that much ah..?? the girl answer..ya.. u see here total 427 is it ok ? Oh.. than ok lo.. how much was it..?? total.. hundred over.. siao.. 1st time.. aiyo.. but those photo is acummulating thats why.. got that much la.. but now problem to arrange in album how long i need to arrange leh.. :( next time dont ever simply take picture.. *sigh* but hor when free time u take out n see will recall those happy time lo.. Memory... ;)

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