Friday, November 07, 2008

~~ BirTHdaY LunCh ~~

Today 7/11 was my college fren bigday. One of my fren planned to have bday lunch celebration wit her. I was been given a duty not to let the bday gal that i was attending. haha..end up........... ?? We went to BBT vietnam food. The food was nice. We enjoy very much.. We talks, jokes around very funny n lough.. haha.. untill some of them cry.. kua cheong.. hehe.. lough to over lo.. hehe.. Than she receive her bday cake which special made from her best muffin.. very nice very "uh sin" Time flies fast.. bout 3pm we left.. coz is working day.. hehe.. every1 juz snake spend sometime wit her. Hey.. my dearest fren wish u happy birthday.."sin fu kuai le, chin choon mei li, kai kai sin sin"

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