Sunday, December 23, 2007
p/S: Sorry..1st time do this video posting..hehe.. lousy hor.. hey..some1 teach me where can get the liriks pls? I cant find la.
~~ WeDDiN~~
WaitIn fOr tHe BriDe
The BriDe On The WAy
WearInG The "tALI" meaning like wearing "rinG"
DiNnEr StaRted
InDiaNs DanCe
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
~~ AuToMobiL3 SecReT ~~
Quick question, what side of your car is your gas tank filler cap? If you are anything like me, you probably can't remember right away. My solution is to uncomfortably stick my head out the window, strain my neck and look. If you don't do this in your own car you more than likely have done it in a borrowed or rental car. Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to share with you my little secret so you will no longer look like Ace Ventura on your way to the gas station, or put your neck at risk of discomfort or injury. If you look at your gas gauge, you will see a small icon of a gas pump. The handle of the gas pump will extend out on either the left or right side of the pump. If your tank filler pipe is on the left, the handle will be on the left. If your filler pipe is on the right, the handle will be on the right (see photo below). It is that simple!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
~~ fuNnY ~~
And than today.. one of my colleugue was pregnant. She go for check up n was stop by hospital coz the baby might be need to delivery earlier from the due .. so today she was MC n she call office. I pick up the phone n answer lo...
Me : Heloo.. morning ke..mach...
col : Helo.. boleh saya cakap dengan nihsa ?
Me : Siapa cakap sana..?
col : Pang ni Emy la..
Me : Ooi... Emy ah.. u apa macam.. u punya " babi " sudah keluar ka..?haha.. i want to say baby go say babi.. siao liao.. some more she was malay.. aiks so bad hor.. =p
My colleugue laugh again.. aiks.. betul betul siao liao..
Monday, November 05, 2007
~~ JaM ~~
~~ hau lian~~? =p
Friday, November 02, 2007
~~ YeOh ~~
Aiks.. November.. everything also increase.. Those thing increase not little about 10% to 15% leh.. how to sell leh..aiks.. why 1 thing not increase de..? hehe.. but this thing even not increase also no choice.. difficult to swift to other place..~sigh~
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
~~ AgaiN ~~
Sunday, October 28, 2007
~~ Sien ~~
My body still pain.. aiks.. lost stamina or mayb old liao.. Jia lat.. U know wat.. on last friday.. a friend suddenly call me on friday noon.. while i was in office.. she say in manderin..
c: how... u goin?
m: huh.. !! go where i duno la..?
c: haha.. tonite got valleyball u wana join?
m: Aiyo.. i duno play le..
c: Aiyo.. juz go nia la..we oso veli long din play liao la..
m: Erm.. wat time.. ok lo...
c: ok la.. i come fetch u lo.. see u.. bye
m: bye..
So..i join them for the game lo.. that nite i was nothing full of energy..full of POWER...juz onli the hand a bit pain , a bit red, a bit out of shape.. i was asking them hey my hand got a bit bengkak la.. see see.. u guys touch n see.... My friend juz look and say aiya.. u see we oso like that la.. no big deal la.. tommorrow will b ok worries.. so i ma..juz 4get it lo..
wah.. the next day when i wakeup preparing to work.. i took my watch..trying to wear..oh Gosh.. i found my hand really.. "bengkak leh" u know wat.. normally i wear in 1st column n it still very loose.. but than i need to wear it at 3rd column n it still a bit tight ..jia lat.. Elephant hand..
My mom say u go hit ball or the ball hit u.. y can play untill like that.. aiks.. "shake her head" ..
hehe.. veli lousy hor.. nvm.. practise make prefect.. Gambade.. okla.. wat a boring day.. okla..
lazy liao.. tata..
Friday, October 26, 2007
~~ MesSagE ~~
They blink together,
move together,
cry together,
see things together, and
sleep together.
Even though they never see each other.....
Friendship should be just like that.... :)
Life is meaningless without FRIENDS...
p/s: Its world best friend week... i love u all... happy always.. :)
~~ joKes ~~
When they broke up he wanted his blood back...
The girl threw a bloody kotex at him and..
said i'll pay u in monthly instalments...
Heehee... the end..
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
~~ JokEs ~~
i put my ass out of the window and u put ur face out of the window..
and the people said..." Hey, look!! TWINS!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
~~ DepReSS~~
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
~~ enD Up~~
cant beliave it.. do planing need takes few months, n all those planning is use in 1 day nia aiks.. so funny why har..hehe.. tired but heng fan...haha.. my parent so happy n enjoying themself on that nite oso.. lots of relative n friend attended to the dinner. Sometime even we had planned thing very well.. but it still not smooth, so "pek chek". Luckily got relative n friend help up.
here i would like Thank all my friend had attended n help me up on that day.. Thank u so much to BEAUS ZON makeup artis ms maegen & her assitant... thanks to b my sister in law n my family consultant. hehe.. n sorry if i not "chow tie " u guys.. thank u.. hehe.. still need to bz 3 day next week..aiks..
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
~~ TeA @ TeH~~~
Haha.. of course sleep la.. Siao meh.. u though me machine or robot ar.. U all can see from here.. witout enaf sleep or sleep late will shiock sendiri n talk to themself.. So before i getting worse.. i better go sleep.. Good de Nite.. sweet de dream.. sleep de thigh.. n don lau chui nua.. :P.. peace..
Saturday, September 15, 2007
~~ B@bY FaLL SicK~~
So i decide to bring her to specialist today... OMG... once the doctor check on her.. oh..Gosh.. doc say is to late.. she need to change a new "organ". "sigh" i got shiock n cannot believe it..keep asking how come like that..isnt it was small manner.. Y need to change the organ.. she juz 3 years old nia leh.. "so koh lian" not onli her but me oso.. aiks.. "shaking my head".. doc say no choice.. is onli way to cure her we need to operate n change new organ.
Aiks.. i have no i decide to do it. The operation take about 3 hr..coz the organ need to take time to delivery..coz my baby organ not suitable wit other.. i m so worried.. Duno when she will fall sick again.. Each time when she fallen sick for sure..will "kau kau lat" i scare i chouldnt take if she fall again.. Dear "ti kong pls poh pi gua a baby kin kin hong hong..soon soon li li " .
The doctor was so good n kind asking not to worried veli soon she will recover n invite me to is office to hav sit n rest. I feel glad that the doc quite honest n feel he not cheating my $. He is trying his best to help my baby.. THANKS A LOT.
Finally my baby was out from ICU.. she is now in good condition liao.. N i wish she will carry on living with happy n healtier life.. N i will often bring her out to get fresh air.. Aiks.. so careless mummy.. hor.. hehe...
Pls: haha.. sorry to make u guys worried n mayb some will got shiock reading on it.. but anyway.. my little baby.. not a human... :) she juz a................ hav a nice day..
Monday, September 10, 2007
~~ LiF3 iS ComPliCat3d~~
Every1 had there own problem. Is onli see how to over come it. Sometime is good to had problem.. its can help n train ourself to stay strong n learn to solve it. But sometime is not. Problem make ppl down, make ppl "fan".. But those problem oso create by human. Why human like to create problem? "ciak pah sui eng" haha.. got nothing to do so create some problem ..shiock plug.. juz onli make ourself "luan"..hahah.. good thing is sleep eat sleep eat.. m i rite? Aiyo..some say No.. haha.. if ur life is like that than u create ownself problem liao..
haha.. getting fat, lazy, n etc.. U see.. LIFE.. "sigh" So sien........
Monday, September 03, 2007
~~ SepTeMbeR ~~
Sometime i wonder whos weddin day it is..? looks like mine..wahahaha... so do my youngest bro..he though like his weddin day.. hahaha.. coz we help to do those booking n etc.. aiks.. wat to do .. got a song..sing this.."we are family..."..have ur guys heard this song b4.. is oldist song.. i wish everything will doin smooth. Time past very fast.. day by day week by week.. the day is in the corner.. so kan cheong.. aiks..
Sometime i will think aiyo.. veli "ma fuan hor kah win.." need to do so many thing onli for 1 day.. why??? Aiks.. cant say anything.." ZIP".. Wonder if is my wedding day how ya..?? hahaha.. dream..dream..dream... dream.. okla.. will update u guys when i free la.. cheers.. :)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
~~HeaVy RaiN~~
Ok, back to my story.. while waiting for d shoe..weeyoo..suddenlly..tander storm.. sky turn dark.. wind blow.. n My heart say" aiyo tolong cepat sikit sudah mau hujan" pray not to rain.. but not enaf powerful.. "prom... tik tak tik tak.. start rain.. not little but....cant imaging.. So wat to do standing n wait 4 rain to turn slow lo.. oh..gosh..some more my nature cal "tangki full liao need go toilet" time tik tak tik tak.. time past 15 min still that heavy.. the repair guy.. amoi hujan kuat la.. mana kereta.. i answer ~tu depat saja.. tapi lebat la..
suddenly he so kind go get an umbrella n cover me to my car.. This make me feel so lucky..
Only bout 15 mins it make d road in BBK float.. lot car putting double signer n stop at the road side. But me no "hiong hiong cheong" coz of tangki full.. ber tahan liao.. while driving u thingking where should i go.. aha... BBT.. sure no float.. coz tinggi ma.. wahaha.. so i drop by BBt the Kopitiam to go toilet soon pin hav lunch..since still raining..but not that heavy liao..
Teng..teng..teng.. while sitting n looking the sky soon pin look at my car.. oh..gosh..danm "or pan" ... tayar puncit... aiyo.. lucky so fast turn to bad luck.. ~sigh~ raining how to change... No eyes see... finish makan.. " Hiong hiong "drive to pdmaran nearest tayar shop.. got 2 lubang at the tayar.. aiks..
At nite went wana go bed.. OMG.. how come my bed wet wet 1.. Aiyo.. the roof leaking..till my bed wet.. aiks.. long piak.. betul betul.. KNN..
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
~~ KopiTiaM Open ~~
Me: Yes, tau geh is here.. anything.. (wit smiling face)..hehe.
C : Hey.. where is my thing.. u say b4 1pm..
m: U see anything else u wan..
C: erm.. i wan this safety shoe.. can giv cheaper ar..
m: ok la.. let me check the price 1st.. u hav a sit 1st..
Jeng..jeng..jeng.. when he sit.. oh my god.. i notice that is kopitiam not close (Not Zip).. OMG.. so obvious.. his colleugue so dun 1 to inform him.. than i inform the shoe price loh.. than we hav talk about other product while waitin 4 my driver back. while talking i keep think should i inform him.. how to say.. aiks.. few mins later my driver back.. then they go transfer the thing to his car.. i quickly tell my colleugue that his kopitiam not close la..(laughing around)
Colleugue: Hey.. ya la.. tadi i sudah nampak. dia macam tak perasan la.. i rasa mau cakap sama dia tapi malu la..
me: yala.. i pun la.. malu la.. apa macam cakap.. "hey excuse me ur kopitiam not close la" (laughing) atau.. sudah terbang keluar haha...
Colleugue: yalo.. dia punya kawan pun tak mau beritahu.. dia mesti nampak punya..i rasa dia punya kawan pun malu mau cakap
me: yala.. apa macam cakap kita semua perempuan sini..tak kan dia cakap hey.. ur zip open liao.. or u din close ur zip ar..haha..
Colleugue: yala.. nanti buat dia malu depan kita la..
me: yala..1 st time customer nanti dia ada bad impression terhadap kita.. tak bagus lo.. ok ok sudah mari.. shh..
they finish transfer waiting me to issue bill. one of my colleugue veli naughty.. she keep shouting.. n PRETENDING talking wit another colleugue.. Hey.. TUTUP LA.. TUTUP LA.. NANTI TERBANG KELUAR.. i really be tahan wan to laughing.. haha..
how will u guys do if u saw this kind of situation? will u inform ? or juz pretend din saw it? is kind embarrass thing la.. how to tell.. if friend i sure will inform la.. but he is..???hehe..
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
~~ nEw ActoR n AcTreSs ~~

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
~~ aUGUSt~~
After reno need to clean up so scare but no choice hav to do oso.. each time back from work clean a bit than continue on sat n sunday.. but till today still haven settle yet.. aiks.. feel to throw away all the staff... haha... but cannot.. those is my harta karun.. feel hard to throw away.. aiks..
Thursday, July 12, 2007
~~ TimE PasT~~
Thursday, July 05, 2007
~~JoO jiN-Mo~~

So Cool Baby...
So SweeT baby..
So Friendly...

So macho
Handsome? Good looking ? Macho? it.. haha.. goin to have sweet dream liao... bye..nite nite..
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
~~200 PouNds BeaUty~~
I think there are a few different reasons why 200 Pounds Beauty can attract so many people. First thing is that the movie keeps its own identity as a comedy. If you are familiar with Korean comedies, you know it will get serious towards the end, but 200 Pounds Beauty doesn’t get too serious. The film cleverly touches people’s heart and mind, but doesn’t forget to make you laugh. It doesn’t make the mistakes like the majority of Korean comedies these days. The worst example of this would be the movie “My Boss, My Hero 2 (Doo Sa Boo Il Che),” which is a comedy for two thirds of the film and then painfully exaggerates the situation and acting for the rest of the film. I guess this is because filmmakers believe dramatic situations can maximize impressions for the viewers when they leave the theater.
Secondly, 200 Pounds Beauty shows in funny ways, what could happen to someone if they receive such an extreme makeover. Like the scene when Jenny and Sang-June are finally getting intimate with each other. When he tries to kiss her, she couldn’t have that moment out of fear for her new surgically altered nose. She is also worried about her enlarged breasts and what he would think of her if he knew they were implants. It’s a bit sad but I think people can understand and sympathize with her situation, which leads the audience into laughter. There are constant episodes like these that keeps the audience laughing.

Atfer plastic surgery~~ Kang ha-na change name to jenny
So how was it? Nice? faster go n hav a look on this movie.. But not every1 will like it.. n not every1 will understand it coz is in korean langues.. Juz to share wit u guys .. hehe.. Aiyo.. so handsome.. I got 1 friend really super siao on this guys.. she go watch i think 8 time in cinema n 6 time cd.. ~~sign~~.. at last she in love with this guy liao.. goin to korean soon.. wahaha.. let me sing her this song... dream....dream dream dream... dream... hav u hear this song b4..? hehe.. ok.. will up date u joo jin-mo profile.. wahahaha....
Monday, June 25, 2007
~~ TiReD~~
Suddenlly, lot of thing happen, customer keep complaining, chasing their thing, machine break down, returning goods, aiks.. tired.. dear tee kong pls poh pi gua soon soon li li settle all the job pls... and this end of month company stock take.. wah lau.. ki siao..
But i juz wish i could settle one of my customer thing.. is quite difficult coz the thing was special order n today when i send it to them they rejected.. OMG how i goin to do with that thing!!!! almost 8 year i in this field i haven sell this machine b4. Now they wana cancel n change to another type of design..aiks.. really make me siao... i duno what to do.. so headache.. evryday sure got problem.. settle 1 come out another 1.. when goin to end huh???
Sometime i will feel like giving up on my job.. Feel to have a break 4 myself.. but cant....!! i couldnt make it.. coz of some reason... aiks.. when..when huh..when i can give myself a break?
still a question mark??????? " lat si wa uh zhi pah ban" i goin to sit aeroplane, i goin to round d world, italy drink coffee, japan eat sushi... May my dream come true..wahahaha.. KI SIAO liao.. ok la goin to sleep liao.. nite nite..
Sunday, June 17, 2007
~~ Y3aH~~
Tonite.. my mother "bau bah cang" i ask her to make special ingredient 4 me.. hehe.. ~~secret~~ i love bah cang.. but it really fattening.. but i still love it.. hahaha.. nvmla.. see the body teo know la.. Tonite onli left me n my mom at home.. everybody was out... Me suddenlly feel to drink.. ~~teng.. teng..teng..teng..~~ i go n open a bottle of red wine.. I tosh wit my mom.. hehe.. so enjoy...
Hehe.. u know wat.. my mom suddenly come to me and say.. hey.. this red wine very strong hor.. in hokkien" eh chit ki ang chew pien kau lat hor.. gua yu tan poh high liao"~~sign~~ haha... she so cute... than she say.. " gua tan bah cang sek liao gua i koon liao.." Gua tam poh hin hin.. ~~sign~~... WAhahahha.. i feel so cute my mom..
Actually..i oso abit blur blur, but not so kau lat la.. but feel great.. hehe.. i think nice to sleep.. tonite feel great.. got lot of friend online wit chat n havin war oso...hehehe.. but now evry1 go to sleep liao.. i think i oso need to sleep liao.. hehe... tomorrowis "father days" wishing all the father in the world "Happy Fathers day" . Tomorrow noon goin to karaok celebrating friend bday... hehe.. lalalala.. singing .. ;)
ok... good nite.. sweet dream..
Saturday, June 16, 2007
So, before i went to office, i drop by morning market to buy fruits 4 praying.Today is friday i wear baju kurung to work. So..i met my friend mother in d morning market. She so "selamber" fang why u r here so early n why u wear like this...~~sign~~ in hokkien hey li fang ar ni cha, cho mi le la chi tau, cho mi cheng ar ni kuan..~~sign~~ wah lau.. i suddelly blur duno how to answer.. than juz say Huh...oh..? than d auntie mayb release liao than oh.. goin to work issit? ( ai ki cho kang si mi si).. than i answer.. ar...emm.. si lo.. lai buai ker chi today is chui yit.. hehe..than i start choosing my fruits.
I feel so embarrasing.. bcoz today is "chui yit" than i wearing bayu kurung.. i think d god oso confuse..hehe.. This month is the month call "bah cang month" wahaha.. Ppl bz making bah cang, selling bah cang, giving bah cang, bz buying ingredient making bah cang..etc.. N i buzy eating bah cang.. haha.. Fatty ,fatty bom bom curicuri jagung..hehe..shock plak... aiks.. goin to sleep liao.. to b continue.. nite nite.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
~~MakeuP SeCtiOn~~

So Beautiful

So cool

protential model magazine front CovEr
End with Lovely
So.. how was it cool ? Nice? hehe.. dont jealous ya.. actually got 6 classmate miss out 1 liao.. dont have picture with her ms wendy n miss out happy family picture with our "lau shi" Aiks.. no complete.. nvm will check wit my "lau shi" see whether still got photo bo.. ok got to sleep liao.. to be continue.. :) cheers.......
Thursday, May 24, 2007
ok than.. to be continue good night.. goin to meet my ...........heheee... (sweet dream) :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hey.. friend so jealous la.. how come u guys so expert n so creative huh ? teach me la.. Aiks.. terrible..old lady now only learn... cannot catch up la.. hey.. expert out there pls share some of ur experience to me la.. Pls......hehe.. Nevermind when got time i will try to do again.. so stay on haven haven ya.. :P
Monday, May 21, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
So.. today wat a "suai siao day". U know wat.. i got a condom in my car.. Wah lau.. Be tahan.. I duno when i had step on that stupid thing on my high heel.. Such a dirty thing.. :P I saw that thing when i get in to my car it already late evening n last customer i visit...I duno when this stupid plastic follow me from..
Once i saw that i sound out.." WAH LAU SUAI SIAO" bustard whos ppl use liau simply throw. Aiyo.. veli Geli.....Disgusting...Luckily i saw it..If others ppl saw it wat will they think huh..? wah lau.. cant imaging..Aiks..This month suddenly lot of thing happen in my company. All thing suddenly appear..some is from a few years ago and some recently.. Evrything juz out in 1 time.. so headache..Aiks..
Dear god pls help me go thru.. pls help my thing go smooth.. tomorrow will b another thing have to settle.. aiks.. so scared.. Pls..Pls..
Friday, May 04, 2007
~~1St Tim3~~
The 2nd day was 1st of May is a labour a public holiday i went to karaok at Galaxy in sunway. It was my 1st time oso.. i been there 4 my bday celebration.. Aiyo.. feel so nice.. got free drink,food n free room.. Aiyo.. so "cieat" can sing 4 hour leh.. somemore only Rm12++ per pax.. hehe..sound like "barbarian" hor.. aiks.. whos care.. fun n enjoy it..
The 3rd day was 2nd of May it was a public holiday too.. coz wesak day fall on the same day in 1st may.. Hehe.. my 1st time again watching movie at "cineleisure"the curve.. Aiyo..The CURVE again haha..~~ "barbarian"~~ very comfortable.. huge chair nice surround..
But than..before goin to movie.. v suggest to hav dinner 1st .. but b4 dinner we havin drink in New Zealand... haha.. a shop name la..natural wit pure fruits juice very pure lo.. no sugar no add water..hehe.. sound like promoting..hehe..Aiks.. waiting 4 time pass the case v start thinking wat to eat..??? suggestion out..but v have to choose we "lat.. ta li lat.. ta li ta pong" yeah.. fen win.. But than.. so funny.. we went to survey the shop..haha..on the way..saw lots of shop wit different kind of food.. so delicious.. hehe.. mayb hungry liau..kua..talking to each other..hey next time come n eat here ya.. hey next time come n try this ya.. aiyo so big potion veli "cieat" la.. maby next time went v veli hungry like 3 days no eat come n eat this ya..
haha..after survey finally we went to hav a pancakes..At ~~paddington house of Pancakes~~Hehe..???? How come dinner take pancakes? Diet ar? Oh no budget? hehe..Excuse me.. Oh.. this resturants serve variates of foods but all foods will serve wit pancakes.Guess??? Wat v take 4 dinner? ~~Teng..teng..teng..teng..~~ Haha.. Sanfrancisco~grilled dolly fish wit mash potato some salad nice the mash potato~~ muck~~ Than grilled lamb wit mas potato oso.. n a pasta...Aiyoo.. v enjoy the food veli much.."kilat kilat" all the plate..hehe.. U see heavy bo..our dinner.. suddenly Helo....don over enjoy the food till 4get the timelo..our movie goin to show liao lo.. hehe..aiyo.. ya hor..But than..our timing juz nice.."gam gam ho" everything on time.. haha..this was my 1st time oso.. The end off my 1st time till today.. lets wait.. there is still lots of 1st time thing that i haven try.....hAVEN ?? haVen?? Hehe.. keep track on ~~HaVeN HaVeN~~
Sunday, April 29, 2007
~~ForTunE FungShui~~
My boss come all d way from selayang wit his wife n a friend n the master of fung shui early in d morning. They reach here early to have their Bah Kut Teh. After d bah kut teh v went to my company in kampung jawa. The master once came down frm d car start observe d place... haha..
i don border i juz open d door n switch on all d light..
Haha.. i oso dono whether d master came 4 my company Fung Shui or to look my boss fortune.
The master asking my boss chinese date of birth.. n than start checking frm his "Tong shui".. the master asking whether my boss got 2 mother..? my boss say yes.. so surprise.. n saying that my boss will having cancer...OMG.. d master ask my bosss to careful on his body n try to careful on food is taking nowsday..
The master oso telling that my boss got six sense. he no need to ask is six sense oledi enaf.. coz he say my boss six sense is true.. OMG.. this point i agree coz my boss away tell me when he hav sense of something.. later on thing will happen.. aiks.. telling alot bout him..etc..
Tell until my boss say this company not operate by him is me.. haha.. but the master say nvm u is the boss ma..everything is came from boss.. haha.. Than d master asking bout my date of birth. haha.. the master say i m "lui kiong yan" wont married early.. he say even i married early my husband will on leave till age 60 only.. Wow.. ~sign~ my boss wife kan cheong than wat is the suitable age.. he say 25 above..haha..OMG already more than that like la.. N he say i have 4 bad thing will acure to my entire life.. asking me to b more precaution.. n if it happen to me juz take it and think that i owe it n juz pay back so that i wont owaz think of it..
Than i ask the master got anyway to change that.. he say yes once u get married i will have a better life n eveything will good if not i will owaz work for family..n owaz $ no enaf haha.. my boss lauhing n his wife too.. D master say i muz get a guy that younger than me.. shit.. i direct say don have wor..haha.. than my boss Beh ta han ask him.. can u see wheter this company fung shui got any wrong.. master say no everything ok.. no problem..he ask my boss to settle his part than this company will operate "soon soon li li"..
Aiks.. i feel like not looking at the company fung shui lo.. coz later d master asking 4 my boss wife date of birth.. hahaha.. so funny.. ather d master telling bout my boss wife fortune.. is bout 8.30am .. aiks.. juz took bout an hour.. hopefully it help lo..
i reach home direct go Bah kut teh wit family... come back continue sleep awhile.. beh tahan.. feel so sleepy hehe.. mayb i hav high colestrol.. nowsday easily felt sleepy.. i oso duno y..
hehe.. KK to fat liau kua..
Haha.. time past.. i getting 1 more age older liau.. aiks.. :( wat to do.....hehe..
okla.. will continue next time.. have a nice day.. :)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Ok.. hehe.. while looking at d stall..i saw curry puff.. so thats my 1st thing hehe.. i like that. U c compliant my dad cari makan oso.. "like father like son". Than i went to buy "taufu".. i ask my dad usually how many pcs mom buy..he asking me back how many mom ask u to buy..but i oledi 4got how many pcs that my mom told i simply say erm.. 10 kua.. ~sign~ HUh..r u sure buy 4 grandma oso issit..erm.. no la.. mom didnt say so i answer back..Than y buy so much.. i duno ma.. 5 enaf :(
than i went to fruits stall.. coz tuesday is "chuai yit" means 1st day of d month need to pray.
So i bought orange,apple, banana, n 3 small honeydew but not honeydew is like nia its orange inside n some baby tomato.. but onli orange n apple is 4 praying d others...............hehe..So heavy..
At last look 4 vege stall.. But cant find d stall that my mom usually buy.. coz those day d MPK cari makan every weekend thats y they cant sell.. so i ask my dad than wher? He looks like veli expect bring walk around suddenly found a vege stall he ok buy here la.. this stall sell those vege all pack in a small plastic n sell in "Package" buy 4 Rm10 Buy 8 free 1 pack.. haha.. than i think ok buy 4 1 week la.. simply choose lo.. end up wit 8 free 1 package..haha..
The moment i reach home.. i go wash those vege 1st so that can keep more longer ma..thats wat i think la.. my mom so happy though i so clever.. But whn my mom say show me wat u buy.. ~teng..teng..teng... AIYO.. sound like calling me..hehe.. sorry la.. she say aiyo..y buy so much this type of vege cant keep long n this all looks no fresh at all.. :( i say i duno ma.. than she 4give n say nvm la.. 1st time next time go often to market than u will know.. ~phew~..
than v go 4 breafast "Bah Kut Teh" hehe..
Aiks.. today a bit rushing my time coz in noon i need to go my college friend 4 gathering.. after B.K.T i went to wash car, reach home wash cloth, than d time reach i need go puchong 4 d gathering.. reach home evening help mom ready those thing to cook.. after end wit cleaning those dishes get a call frm friend go out 4 drink juz a while la.. hehe.. still can watch "Astro" wah loi toi hehe.. but i juz c 4 few onli not nice 1.. btw who is the best actress n actor ??
N now doin some posting n check email goin to sleep liau la.. ok la.. Thats 4 today weekend..
Good nite..Hav nice day..
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
~~Back Again~~
But now.. sunddenly feel so tired n lazy.. it feel like bout 3 days 2 nites not sleep.. veli lazy to wake up 4 work..but no cantonis say "Teng Ngan Siong"wat to do.. work for $ for living.. lifes goes on..
aiks..again end of the month.. comin to march.. so fast finish quarter year 2007 apa buat? har apa buat? aiyo.. kan cheong.. my side got few couple friend getting married.. giving birth.. etc.. rushing to do it on this year 2007 the golden pig year.. a good year.. N me
okla..all the best to u all.. stay happy..wealthier n healthier take care.. best of luck..
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
~~BuZy Day~~
2006 wat had i did? Mm.. i take a challenge to change my hairstyle wit (curly n colour), tatoo, learn makeup, resign n try on other job (but fail) n etc.. every thing juz end up
now was a new dream..hopefull my wish will come true..hehe..
happy new year..