Monday, August 04, 2008

~~ LEpAk-iNg ~~

Haha.. on 1 aug..(friday nite) b4 i go to detail.. goin to share smthg 1st. The nite when toi's come n fetch mom was at outside goin supper wit my dad.. they call my mom n ask..(auntie li fang leh....)My mom so spontaneous.. (erm.. li fang ah.. li fang bo ker uhwa auntie ker.. ) ( erm.. lifang not goin change auntie go..) walau kan cheong.. (laughing) haha.. than my mom shout (fei lui ah...! lu eh peng yu lai liao......) :@

haha...again 3 of us went to lepak . But v high class lo.. onli lepak those high class, stardard luxury place lo.. wah lau (sound lcly hor..) hehe.. juz kidding la.. lily.. having fun.. 1St We went to 'luna bar". They oledi make renovation is different compare those yr i visit b4. Now they havin few type.. got non smoking area which wit air cond, pool side, or on top of roof which can see KL nice and again KLCC was the main cast( zhu kok) haha.. so clear ..

After a few hour v proceed to jln ceylon again.. meet fren at frangi. But b4 we go to frangi v stop at "twenty-one". Wow.. is veli happening lots of handsome guy full house. So v choose to sit outside juz hav some juice. We cakap cakap.. looking at ppl..talks bout ppl.. again kenneth make the enivorment fun.. haha.. i saw a veli good looking guy.. aiks..

Than a bout 1am.. we go to frangi.. we talk agian look at ppl we dance too.. They lily good in shaking.. so jealous.. than v leave frangi at 3am.. and i reach home.. 3 smthg.. so tired.. next day working.. Ber tahan.. hehe.. but..not long my fren goin but to sweden soon.. goin to miss her again..


Anonymous said...

Hello fren..
party never ask me bad la you!!!

JoLLY said...

who r U ? how i goin to invite u leh..?? next time ok..

Anonymous said...

Yeah .. yeah ... no ajak me too :(

JoLLY said...

aiyoyo...okok.. next time ok..