Sunday, August 10, 2008

~~ SteaMBooT ~~

Haha.. havin pool side steamboot at vincent's condo (damansara) yday nite.. celebrating wendy(posh's bubble belated bday). It was fun. Lots of funny thing happen. Laugh till my stomach pain. Once v reach vince condo, carry up all the food n our staff. It juz a nite party but than those stuff v bring macam go few days holiday. haha..

Me n posh went down to 7 eleven to get some add stuff like, drink, ice, egg, cooking oil, etc. while cutie n cool fried nuggets, v set up table, carry food down to the pool side. The extension wire than i bring was not long enough to reach our table. Poor starry starry nite( vincent) haha..have to drove out n get 1 more longer extension. half hr later he's back. We start connect everything to bowl up soup. Haha.. v so greedy 1 shot bowl 3 pot. Till the wire exetention melt (burn) till jump fuse. hehe.. luciky got mcguyver fit it.

While waiting d mcguyver fit the wire, v try to bowl d soup wit the slow cooker 1st. Try to on but it not function.v got shiock though v burn the Vince slow cooker too. aiyo.. jia lat liao..than carry the slow cooker 1 by 1 trying at other plug. OMG.. try few place still cant work. feel so pai seh.. spoil vince slow cooker. But v still "bo kam buan" try connect frm man toilet plug.. jeng.. jeng.. jeng.. it work. Shouted so happyly..hahaha...

This time scare liao, juz use the slow cooker onli.. while waiting 4 the soup bowl.. some bubble swimming try to burn some fat than onli input hehe...Few min, v start makan... while waiting others bubbles. Makan...cakap... ketawa... Lagi shiock.. throwing ppl into pool. 1st victim was cool bubble.haha.. she owas b the 1 kena buang into pool. Mayb she easyly to carry coz paling kurus..haha.. pity her.. but fun..haha... than the game throw ppl into pool start.. 1 by 1 kena campak.. Last nite i was not conveninent, i was cautions. Keep alert every step once the nearby me.. Thank u so much by not throw me inside. Haha..

We play n laugh till the sercurity come n warm us haha.. But than v ignore him continue lauhing take photo, poshing .... few min he come n warning again... aiks.. than v stop n do cleaning.. taking bath, watching olympic, makan tibits in Vincent's condo n he mix cocktail 4 us.. posh blow cake, than take group photo again... bout 2 am.. v all dismiss.. Balik kampaung... haha....


Karin.. said...

wah... so nice!! mana gambar?

JoLLY said...

haha..belum load lagi hehe.. wait ya..