Saturday, September 15, 2007

~~ B@bY FaLL SicK~~

Aiks.. money flow again.. My little 3 years old baby fall sick last week. She havin fever. At 1st I though she onli got normal fever..juz havin cough n flu.. So din bring her to doctor, coz i was bz wit my work. But nowsday whether is teribble..super hot.. so i finding that she is serious.

So i decide to bring her to specialist today... OMG... once the doctor check on her.. oh..Gosh.. doc say is to late.. she need to change a new "organ". "sigh" i got shiock n cannot believe it..keep asking how come like that..isnt it was small manner.. Y need to change the organ.. she juz 3 years old nia leh.. "so koh lian" not onli her but me oso.. aiks.. "shaking my head".. doc say no choice.. is onli way to cure her we need to operate n change new organ.

Aiks.. i have no i decide to do it. The operation take about 3 hr..coz the organ need to take time to delivery..coz my baby organ not suitable wit other.. i m so worried.. Duno when she will fall sick again.. Each time when she fallen sick for sure..will "kau kau lat" i scare i chouldnt take if she fall again.. Dear "ti kong pls poh pi gua a baby kin kin hong hong..soon soon li li " .

The doctor was so good n kind asking not to worried veli soon she will recover n invite me to is office to hav sit n rest. I feel glad that the doc quite honest n feel he not cheating my $. He is trying his best to help my baby.. THANKS A LOT.

Finally my baby was out from ICU.. she is now in good condition liao.. N i wish she will carry on living with happy n healtier life.. N i will often bring her out to get fresh air.. Aiks.. so careless mummy.. hor.. hehe...

Pls: haha.. sorry to make u guys worried n mayb some will got shiock reading on it.. but anyway.. my little baby.. not a human... :) she juz a................ hav a nice day..


~Alvin~incious...~ said...

no human then is wat? piggie?

JoLLY said...

haha.. Normally when ppl haven hav partner will say their belonging like pets, car, etc is theie closer partner.. mine is CAR.. hehe..knn hor.. :P