Monday, September 10, 2007

~~ LiF3 iS ComPliCat3d~~

Life is complicated. Sometime duno wat to do n duno wat is the point do it... So confusing.. Looking at ppl life, smtime will feel jealous on them. Thinking why n how come they leaving so "hang fock" no "fan nau".. Aiks..but it depands.. la.. cant say 100% smtime will meet some others ppl compare wit ourself we still leaving better than them. Ppl really cannot compare..

Every1 had there own problem. Is onli see how to over come it. Sometime is good to had problem.. its can help n train ourself to stay strong n learn to solve it. But sometime is not. Problem make ppl down, make ppl "fan".. But those problem oso create by human. Why human like to create problem? "ciak pah sui eng" haha.. got nothing to do so create some problem ..shiock plug.. juz onli make ourself "luan"..hahah.. good thing is sleep eat sleep eat.. m i rite? Aiyo..some say No.. haha.. if ur life is like that than u create ownself problem liao..
haha.. getting fat, lazy, n etc.. U see.. LIFE.. "sigh" So sien........


Cutiez said...

that's call LIFE ~!! we are just born 4 it and once u get over it then u'll found urself the green-land as well .. gOod lUcks..

EggY said...

cheers aiyo !!! :)

~Alvin~incious...~ said...

lolz...tis is the question tat everybody in the world is asking... got money got life lor... no money no life... can be simple as tis...

at the end of the day... life involve money... money... n money... every single thing u do is money... cannot runaway...

u must aim for your objective la...
gambateh to all of us..

JoLLY said...

ya..thanks.. Wee yoo..MR A how come u was here..? anyhow thanks alot..n all best to every1 cheers

Cutiez said...

the fansi is goin to be urs sooon ...BAhhhh....

~Alvin~incious...~ said...

lol... no la... i jus came here kacau kacau oni...

fansi for mae mae oni... cannot b other, later she scold me "ng chin yat" (not loyal) hehehehe...

JoLLY said...

haha.. yalo.. better dont i think she now lying in bad n cry..Mr A.. u sip sip do my fan si la..

Cutiez said...

speechless ... (@.@)