Friday, January 23, 2009

~~ OR PaN ~~

tODAY 23/1/2009 damn or pan (bad luck). I met accident this noon. Bladdy shit i go kiss waja backside. The bumper broke n mine big light n bumper broke. Betul betul suay... Aiks.. i quite calm and manage to calm down the ladies temper. haha... the ladies betul betul angry keep walk here walk there scold..scold..scold..than i duno why i so selamber.. calm down is already happen i also didnt mean to knot u at this time since already CNY.
Dont worry i will up keeping ur car n paint it..u juz send to workshop. she keep calling n talk to the phone.She say she dont like accident. She dont like ppl knot n dont like knot ppl. Than i laugh n say.. aiyo ..u think i like it happen ar.. n moreover juz left 2 day already CNY lo..i lagi suay lo... i told her. Than she feel funny oso than we laugh each other. hahah...i gave my name card show her the workshop. Than i selamber hit her shoulder sorry la.. i also dont want it happen.. anyway Gong xi fa chai.. haha...
aiks.. i betul betul or pan.. today not suppose work 1.. if not i wont go so far n met this incident happen lo.. than think "poh choi tong joi lo.."


Posh said...

Aiyo how come?? Nvm as u said, poh choi tong joi la!!!
Wish you Happy CNY!!!

JoLLY said...

yea... already happen cant do anything liao..