Friday, January 23, 2009

~~ ThoUgh ~~

Aiks.. wat a sad day. I was so happy though my company will started holiday on this saturday n thinking friday will work for half day. "sigh" All dreaming... quite unhappy while receive a call from boss say that company will operated till this saturday n started work on next friday... damn "pa liar". I damn super no mood at all. Spoil my plan. I though can start earlier holiday to help up my mom on some stuff.. but end up.. i feel my time is damn limited.
And than suddenly problem of my job appear.. Really make me frass.. 'calm down calm down" keep telling myself. This year i really need to train my patient. Everything must do it patiently. Heard ppl say this year not a good year 4 me. but anyway i knew there is still luck on it. Juz think positif. YES..YES..YEs..!!!gAMBATEH....

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