Monday, September 22, 2008

~~ @@ ~~

I duno whether is because of i late sleep yesterday night, n course me so sleepy whole day. Today, was very hot day. I felt so sleepy while i driving. I stop twice at petrol station to buy some drink n junk food, But it can cure. I get more sleepy when i finish the drink n food. haha.. really "kan kor".

I keep talking to myself..shout in the car..singing..hope it will help. But.. hor cant last long.. after awhile my eye automatic heavy again. I end up stop at roadside n take a few min rest..hehe..:p If not i think it will dangerous. My heart keep counting faster faster..5.30pm so can go home sleep.. OmG.. mY "chow kong come find me again liao.. cham.. mayb to fat n to much cholesterol.. hehe.. k la.. wana ZZzzzz.... liao...


Karin.. said...

eh... u miss me?? why u cannot sleep at nite?? aiyoo.... u so dangerous!! I still rememeber you driving fall asleep !! eee

JoLLY said...

aiyo.. if i miss u sure wont fall asleep lo.. WENT!!!! to penang??