Saturday, September 27, 2008

~~ LosT ~~

Yday 26.09.08 i went to "PWTC". Havin a exhibition on asean woodtech. My company was taking part. This year the exhibiton quite small compare to last time. Not much of company taking part. Only 2 hall. I quite happy i found the place coz im really dumb. Even i been there few time but still cant remember exactly the way.. I miss the turn but at last i found it.

But.. i really super dumb.. know to go, dont know back. I lost. And i really lost. I really dont know where i was. I keep driving and trap in super jam.. i drive still ZOO negara.. than wangsa maju..than titiwangsa..than..batu carve..than jlan yap guan seng..than pavillon..than bukit bintang.. last i found the way.. i left "pwtc" at 5.20pm reach home 9.30pm.. damn stupid rite. aiks.. "kua heng teo chai" luckily u call me.. thanks.. if not jia lat.. i think..???? hehe.. thanks.


Anonymous said...

the time u saw zoo .. u are almost in KESAS .. after zoo ..then saw flamingo .. u been thr to makan dinner .. then bukit jalil then sunway then subang then shah alam n klang ... when u turn back to wangsamaju mean u goin back to town lor ... anyhow at least u reach home ..


EggY said...

LOL.... yeah yeah at least you can reach home... :P

JoLLY said...

yeah.. luckily.. :)