Wednesday, September 03, 2008

~~ SpEciAL MooncaKe ~~

Tonite so happy n surprise my "kai chai" suddenly come n find me witout notice. Aiyo.. so kam tong n touching he purposely bring mooncake 4 mE. Aiks.. 1st mooncake get frm my "kai chai". He really grow up.. he talk alot.. ask a funny.. Happy mOoNcake festival..


Anonymous said...

congratez ...
it's without ...
and .. the link of yama is spiky ... how can she become sporty d .. kakakakakakka ...

- cutie -

JoLLY said...

oops... hehe..;p

Karin.. said...

Hey, Who is your kai cai?? why i dont know?? hehehe

JoLLY said...

hehe.. yinlee son la..