Tuesday, August 05, 2008

~~ BaLi TrIP DaY 1 ~~

Late post.. I went to bali trip on 22th to 26th june with spiky, cutie, cool, cutie's mom, spiky's sis. Is not free @ easy.. We follow travel agency. Erm.. is quite fun la.. the most place we use yo visit is "TOILET" haha... wherever v stop our destination.. v wont miss to visit the "TOILET". Apa macam tandas pun pernah pigi... hehe.. Anyway overall the trip is not so bad.. is juz a bit hurry.. n the time is limited. We stay at NUsa Dua.
Havin Bah kut teh near jing's house b4 depart..hehe..

On the way to KLIA

At KLIA waiting.....

Waiting 4 aeroplane.. woo liao.. playing around hehe..

haha... u see how big is my mouth can eat a human head ..hehe..(woo liao again...)
shock plug.. excited kua.. aiks..

IN the plane..flying.....to bali..

"I believe i can fly...." I believe i can touch the sky..... :p

Jeng..jeng..jeng.. Reach Bali....

Yo..Yo..Yo.. check it out.. leng lui reach bali.. or hawaiii.. leh.. hehe...

terus.. pigi makan 1st...at 1 of the chinese rest...

Lepas.. Dinner.. goin to buy drink.. hehe.. but at last buy BEER

Our hotel room.. big hor.. hehe.. start drinking liao on 1st nite..in bali ..

My room partner "cool bubble"....

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