Friday, August 08, 2008

~~ hAPpY BDaY~~

Hey... fren this yr so gam ur bday same as olympic opening day shock.. lots of ppl celebrate wit u lo.....hehe..?? Wat wish u make?? candle nite dinner?? ;p

Hot Comments

to u my dearest fren



Karin.. said...

Holly Jesus...
THANK YOU! Aiyooo... u make me feel so old liao. LOL
Im so shy now when i saw myself on your blog!!
Thanks alot!
A big hugssss for u!!

QMG_Maegen said...

this is the besssss post i ever saw in haven haven .. kakakakka~ come with the birthday graphic still fit in ur blog ..

JoLLY said...

haha.. good memory ma.. anyway happy burstday to u...hehe.. boom!!!...

yelo.. ger....wat u mean huh? all this while no nice meh..?? :(