Monday, August 18, 2008

~~ PoT LUck At SerA HouSe ~~

Yday.. on 17 aug we do potluck lunch at sera house. Since we keep eat outside food so we decide to do in house. Hehe.. sera cook 4 us bout 5 dish.. i do egg mayo sandwich.. sammy bring fruits, n sindy do jelly.. simple lunch.. add KFC 4 kids.. hehe.. i reach sera house bout 11 am something.. help her up to prepare the food. She is a good mummy when on sunday.. haha.. :p

The lunch suppose on at 12 something 1 pm but than.. they reach bout 2pm.. :( luckily got my sandwich haha... give the kids 'teng zhu toh" even adult oso. Bout 2 something start makan.. cakap cakap.. ketawa... bout an hour main cost finish continue wiv desert.. Got jelly, watermelon, chocolate, ice cream, tibits 4 kids..
Than we hav some chinese tea.. v chit chat around than bout 4 something v dismiss.. Coz at nite got another program goin 4 karaok session.. Wah..lau.. i betul betul not enaf sleep. Coz on saturday nite v go clubbing at sunway coco banana.. Wiv my fren all in bout 16 ppl.. haha... geng.. We dance n drink n even smoking... wahaha... try to do notti gal.. ;p I reach home bout 4 something in the morning.. took bath, blow hair.. ki li ka la... bout 5 something sleep. Than the next morning wake up bout 9am do egg mayo sandwish... luckily i still young haha.. bout if i keep on like this i will veli soon bcome......... n look veli.... ????

But anyhow kayce is goin back to sweden this thursday.. juz left 2 more days.. time past veli fast she here in msia bout 3 month. Sekelip mata... times up.. Bye kayce.. hope u enjoy urself while goin out wiv us.. n all the best to u.. Hope to see u again... if i got enaf $$ next yr fly go find u n karin... hehe.... talk onli.... say so many yrs liao oso nvr succes.. haha... pray hard i kena "toto" la.. hehe..


Posh said...

aiyo...wah so happening!!!
But i tot ur going to MOS??
Who is the 16 ppl???

JoLLY said...

haha.. last minute change place hehe,,16ppl.. tell u when v meet ok.. hehe
u recover liao?