Friday, August 29, 2008

~~ MiSs OuT ~~

Today.. afternoon while driving way to north port.. in front of me was a mcdonald delivery man.. Suddenly his $ fly out witout notice.. aiyo.. i saw it fly toward juz in front of me leh.. but i cant emergency stop..behind got lot of lorry, container, car speeding, motor...

Aiks.. betul betul fly under my car but cant do anything.. i juz see thru back mirror i saw a motorbike stop n collect it.. coz already fly to road size liao.. i juz see him pick up n masuk pocket.. aiyo.. u see la.. money fly toward me oso cant grab it..why..?? Cham.. :( LUCK..! LUCK..! LUCK..! where is u.. Where u go.. went is my turn.. pls come..

I understand watever ppl doin 90% is frm LUCK... Witout luck.. thing surely.. wont so smooth.. I VeLi Veli.. trust this. Today.. feel damn sad.. after i heard a news frm someone.. It really.. break my heart..i Feel myself useless n being fool. Why.. ppl can change so fast, n 4got wat we have done before to help them.. WHY..

I know nowsday ppl are very (hean Sit) selfish..i totally.. understand. But why HE can do this to me.. So many many many years.. i try my veli veli best to help.. Y end up u treat me this. THANK U SO MUCH !! I will take it as lession. Ppl keep changing day by day hour by hour minute by minute.. So no problem.. ASS HOLE !!! KNN!! CCB!! KNBECCB!!TNAMECCB !!! wahahahaha.... phew.. kau tim..!!! ;p

Aiks.. i know i juz lack some luck.. n you win me bcoz u hav veli good luck.. Nvm.. time goes round.. lucks oso goes round.. i will wait till the day.. :( when leh.. hehe.. Coming soon.. Happy go lucky Ma.. Yo..Yo..Yo.. check it out.. behby...

Though tonite can go out drink drink.. chat chat.. shout talk.. sing..sing.. but end up.. wiv silent nite.. Aiyoyo.. KAU.... Meng.. ArR.... tim.... kai....ah....


Anonymous said...

alo kawan ... sorry i was unable to go ktv .. i just reached home @ 10pm++ ... and ozline just call up to change the dinner ..

well .. just wan to tell u hor ... shall you double check check everytime u post arh ??? ur word hor betul betul GENG leh ~

- cutie -

JoLLY said...

is ok.. Why? lots of wrong speeling ar.. correct me la.. my englis no good la.. ;p