Friday, August 08, 2008

~~YeAH 080808 ~~

Hurray... the day is here 08.08.08 onli will meet once in a life time. And today was beijing 2008 olympic opening day. N lots of couple choosen today 080808 is their memorable day 4 them end up the relationship as bf n gf change their status to husband n wife. hehe... Pom..pom..pom..pom... COngratulation to ur.. happy 4ever.. 2day 080808 lots of ppl very happy n keep count down since few yrs ago....N 2day was the day.. 080808..

I oso being influnce haha.. i start count down since yday nite oso.. so happy like got $$.. hehe.. crazy.. receive few msg since yday.. all oso mention but 080808.. some say.. hey..2moro 080808 wat u wana do wor..?? some say.. still left 1 hr reach 080808 is olympic day.. some is wishes.. Today.. 080808 was my old buddy big day oso.. happi bday rin rin.. All the best happi owas ya..

N 2day morning receive again 080808 msg ...hi morning happy olmpic day 080808!! :p. hey.. fren today 080808 got any celebration ?.. n fren achieveable day.. hey morning today is such a beautiful day, is my 4th complete month of diet.i hav prove to de world i really gone down, i really go for it.So i hope china can get as many gold medals as they can,prove to de world again YES, V CHINESE CAN!!!! Yeah!!!. CheerS 080808.. some in chinese.. all oso lebih kurang the same la.. 080808 alll the best la.. bla bla.. hehe..
Tonite beijing olympis opening really POWERFUL. It prove their strength. Their TEAMWORK lily gEng !!! ~~ sirlute~~ pei fu pei fu.. lily owesome.

P/s: hehe.. got 1 bo liao job 4 ur.. can ur count how many 08 in this post ?? prize will given out 4 those who got the guess.. hehe.. clean ur eye 4 count ok.. gambatte... enjoy counting 080808 hehe.. CHEERS...080808...

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