Thursday, August 28, 2008

~~ Boh Liao ~~

Today.. suddenlly few fren call me up for lunch. I m so sorry.. i cant make it wiv u guys.. coz earlier oledi promise wiv others liao.. We try to arrange again next time ok.. hehe.. hopefully timing is there.. ok :p

Today.. i went to customer there hehe.. got praise frm them haha.. (ki hiao) nola.. juz feel embarrass.. Coz they long time din see me liao so few some changes on me lo..than praise a bit lo.. nothing much la..wahahaha.. (sound bertahan leh..) haha.. funny.. N got 1 customer lafi teruk.. lagi make me feel more embarras.. when i was out to my car a staff run n shouted me..i got shiock i though got thing to collect but hor.. end up wiv this.. ( pang ah.. itu ah chou cakap lu makin cantik liao wor..) wah lau..!!! i got frezze awhile duno wat to say coz so sudden than i reply oh..ya ka.. tak ada la.. hehe.. thank u ya..okla.. bye bye..
wah lau.. go inside car betul betul beh ho seh.. kau kau pai seh..

I think hor.. i wont so fast go visit this customer again haha...mai kk .. (atau hari hari pergi) hehe.. ki hiao.. lau hiao.. ki chiew.. beh kien siao..siok plug.. aiks.. veli boring la.. apa mau buat ya.. ;@ @#$%^*&*&.. ok la.. dreaming la.. bye bye..

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